Water audit

Our integrated water audit helps you 
save money on water consumption, 
save water and minimize the effect on environment 

Your water audit

this is how we do it, step by step


We start by setting specific goals and agreements together, in order to obtain the right focus


The entire site is screened and the production process is thoroughly studied to identify all water use.


After collecting and analyzing the data, a detailed water balance is drawn that will be displayed using various visualization tools, from a basic visualization to a very personalized dashboard. This enables you to continuously monitor water use and track the established savings.


Based on this detailed water balance, we identify specific water saving measures within your organization.


After carefully assessing all options and their economic viability, an implementation plan is drafted based on your water saving potential. We carefully review the plan with you and coordinate the necessary implementations.


Our water experts always offer the best possible solution to optimize your water use through integrated water management.

VLAIO Water scan 
for SMEs


Water Experts was apointed as one of the approved agencies by VLAIO to perform water scans at SMEs. This project covers water scans at Flemish SMEs, subsidized by the Flemish Government. This with the aim of helping SMEs to move towards more sustainable and efficient water management. This project is a 3-year project, which started in January 2023 and runs until December 2025.

The approach

Water Experts supports SMEs in the process from start to finish. This starts with informing the SMEs prior to the application, and continues with performing the necessary administration. Next, Water Experts requests the necessary documentation from the participating SME, and schedules a time for an expert to visit the site for a tour. Based on all information gathered, the expert performing the scan maps the current situation to identify opportunities for improvement through savings, alternative water sources or reuse. This results in a comprehensive and qualitative report that on the one hand describes and visualizes the current situation, and on the other hand lists the identified optimization opportunities. After completion of the water scan, and delivery of the report, Water Experts will follow up to ensure the SME has received the report properly, and assist in further steps if required.

Water audit case studies

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    E3-LAAN, 87.
    9800 Deinze. Belgium
    +32 (0)94967421