Wastewater treatment

Water Experts will design a water treatment plant according to your needs, or optimize the existing plants for you.

How can we help you?


Water Experts design the optimal treatment for wastewater plants according to your needs.

We characterize the different wastewater flows in your organization in detail so we can provide you with a tailored wastewater management plan.

This plan considers reducing the production of wastewater, reusing certain (waste) water streams within your organization and treating your wastewater in a state-of-the-art treatment plant.

Do you need to optimize an existing water treatment plant?

For existing treatment plants, our experts help optimize its operation and solve any challenges you’re facing.

We help you comply with the ever more stringent regulations by reducing water use, optimizing treatment processes or identifying and studying additional treatment opportunities.

Wastewater treatment Case studies

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    E3-LAAN, 87.
    9800 Deinze. Belgium
    +32 (0)94967421