How Montea will produce drinking water from rainwater and become self-sufficient for its new development in Lummen
The communication campaign is titled “We are Atlas”, originating from the ancient story of Atlas who was given the task by Zeus to carry the Earth on his shoulder.
The communication campaign involves team building, workshops and communication tools that inform and engage all stakeholders in a fun way.
We believe that we all can be a bit of an Atlas to help carry our world in order to sustain it.
By informing and empowering all stakeholders to act sustainably, your efforts have an impact on others and on society, Water Experts translates your technical data on water into engaging communication and mold it into a tailored campaign.
Our communication campaign will boost Corporate Social Responsibility, which is an added value to you in terms of corporate and employer branding.
How Montea will produce drinking water from rainwater and become self-sufficient for its new development in Lummen
How SanoRice made the best choice for a new pre-treatment through independent advice from Water Experts.
To be prepared for future challenges, Algist Bruggeman and Water Experts investigated alternative water sources and drafted a masterplan for water management.
How Montea will optimize rainwater reuse in their patrimony
How De Wasstraat made an informed decision for improved water reuse.
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