Being a future-oriented company, SanoRice is strongly committed to the conservation of natural resources. To use water in a more sustainable and efficient way, SanoRice contacted BOSAQ for a water audit. This audit was extended to optimize the water consumption and to valorize waste streams.
Throughout the production process, various rinsing steps produce wastewater with a high content of COD and suspended matter. As a result, the wastewater treatment was subjected to a high loading rate, which translated in high operational costs.
SanoRice also experienced difficulties with their wastewater treatment and had plans for future expansion of their production.
This thorough audit revealed that the treatment issues originated from the source, i.e. the production process.
The smart interventions of BOSAQ resulted in annual savings exceeding €10 000 on a total discharge of 20 m³ per day. In addition, the loading rate of the wastewater treatment plant was more evenly distributed.
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